McCARTHYISM? HARDLY THE WORD. TREASONOUS SCUM….IS MORE LIKE IT ALTHOUGH TOO MILD….RSK Op-Ed: J Street’s McCarthyism By Alan Dershowitz · July 21, 2010 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (JTA) — J Street, the leftist lobbying organization that claims to be pro-Israel, is running a television ad that divides the world into two groups: the good guys who […]


July 20, 2010 About Dan Services Issues Resources Newsroom District Thank you for participating in the recent survey on the Arizona immigration law and the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Arizona.  I appreciate your feedback and want to share the results with you (see below).  You can read some of my thoughts on the issue […]

A PRIMER ON ELECTIONS IN AUSTRALIA…STAY TUNED..DOWN UNDER THEY’RE UP FRONT Exclusive: The Australian Electoral Process Explained Anton Lang With a general election called at the Federal level here in Australia, to be held on August 21, it’s worthwhile looking at the electoral process here in Australia. In the run-up to this vitally important election, I will be contributing regular posts, both about the campaign, […]

LIBEL TOURISM AND STOLEN VALOR: BRUCE KESLER Free Speech Limits? Libel Tourism & Stolen Valor Bruce Kesler Congressional intent and judicial interpretation of the first amendment may conflict. Two recent examples: The US Senate just passed by unanimous consent the Securing the Protection of our Enduring and Established Constitutional Heritage Act, HR 2765 (SPEECH Act). It is expected to pass the […]

Exclusive: Libel Tourism – Is the Victory Complete? Adrian Morgan,Editor FSM Exclusive: Libel Tourism – Is the Victory Complete? The Editor When Rachel Ehrenfeld published her book Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It, it was sold only in the USA. However, because a mere 23 copies of these books had been purchased on the internet and had found their way […]

AFGHAN SOLDIER KILLS CIVILAIN GROUP TRAINERS Afghan Soldier Shot Trainers in Argument July 21, 2010 Associated Press KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan soldier opened fire on U.S. civilian trainers at an army base in northern Afghanistan, killing two Americans before being shot dead, the Defense Ministry said Wednesday. An argument started during a weapons-training exercise and the Afghan soldier turned […]

WHY WORRY ABOUT RUSSIA’S NUKE CHEATING? BIZARRE ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE US: No Worries on Russian Nuke Cheating July 21, 2010 Associated Press p>WASHINGTON — Even large-scale Russian cheating on a new nuclear arms treaty would not hurt U.S. security because U.S. nuclear superiority would more than offset any Russian actions, the Obama administration has concluded. James Miller, the Defense Department’s leading authority on nuclear […]

KABUL CONFERENCEN: GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL….JUST THE HARD FACTS IGNORED,1518,707689,00.html NATO foreign ministers heard only what they wanted to hear on Tuesday in Kabul as they sought to reassure the world that withdrawal can take place in 2014. The reality, however, is quite different. And in the end, Hamid Karzai, who is already looking for ways to cement his post-NATO power, will be the […]

HAMBURG: SEE NO TERROR? Hamburg: See No Terror The decision to send a Gitmo detainee to the city where the 9/11 plot was hatched displays willful blindness on the part of German authorities, and the Obama administration. July 21, 2010 – by John Rosenthal “Hamburg is always being mentioned in connection with September 11, 2001, and for this […]

KAGAN AND THE MILITARY: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT HARVARD? Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened Her intellectually dishonest opposition to our armed forces during a time of war shows bad judgement. She doesn’t belong on the Supreme Court. By PETE HEGSETH Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee sent Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Republican […]