Principled conservative leadership Issues Bring fiscal sanity back to the federal government The fiscal problems that we experience here in California are only magnified in the federal budget. The common sense proposals that I have proposed here in California will have a tremendous impact on reducing the size of the federal government and increasing its […] The hope that fired up the election of Barack Obama has flickered out, leaving a national mood of despair and disappointment. Americans are dispirited over how wrong things are and uncertain they can be made right again. Hope may have been a quick breakfast, but it has proved a poor supper. A year and […] Why Does the Decline of Islam Have to Fall on Us? by Nidra Poller (July 2010) The following is an expanded version of the speech delivered by Ms. Poller to the New English Review symposium, “Decline, Fall & Islam,” on June 19, 2010. Why does the decline of Islam have to fall on us? […]
Exclusive: On Anniversary of 7/7, Is America Repeating Britain’s Mistakes?The Editor Today is the fifth anniversary of the 7/7 London bombings, where four home-grown jihadists blew themselves up on three London Transport underground trains and one double-decker bus. The events of 7/7 were of a smaller scale to 9/11, but they nonetheless traumatized a nation. […] BREAKING: Former DOJ Officials Stepping Forward to Support J. Christian Adams Former DOJ employees want to go on record praising Adams’ outstanding work record, and — pay attention, DOJ press liaisons — maybe corroborate Adams’ charges about DOJ hostility to race-neutral law enforcement. (Check back here for updates in the hours and days ahead, […]
“BUSHWA” IS A REVERED BRONX EUPHEMISM FOR “BULL S.IT”….RSK Of all the diplomatic noises heard during Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting yesterday with President Obama, the most significant may have been the clicking cameras of the White House press pool. Unlike at their last two encounters—both closed to the media—the Israeli Prime Minister is at last […]
AND NO DOUBT BIBI WILL FALL FOR THE FISHY CHARM OFFENSIVE HOOK , LINE AND SINKER…..RSK Obama Uncorks Sharpest Criticism Yet of Mahmoud Abbas — In Front Of Bibi Leo Rennert The Obama-Netanyahu summit was expected to turn into a mutual charm offensive. And it didn’t disappoint on that score. At the start of […] In the 1970s, Hitchens adopted a “second identity,†making more and more frequent trips to America, eventually migrating across the Atlantic and setting up shop at The Nation. It was, as always for him, a two-track engagement. On the one hand there was the America that functioned as the Left’s version of capitalist hell […] Losing a Legacy? Posted By Judy Lash Balint On July 7, 2010 @ 12:00 am In FrontPage | 3 Comments This week marks the 34th anniversary of Operation Yonatan, Israel’s dramatic rescue of 103 hostages that took place on July 4, 1976 at Entebbe, Uganda. As a college student in the US, I vividly […]
www.geostrategy––direct/headlines.html GEORGE FRIEDMAN U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited some interesting spots over the July 4 weekend. Her itinerary included Poland and Ukraine, both intriguing choices in light of the recent Obama-Medvedev talks in Washington. But she also traveled to a region that has not been on the American radar screen much in the […]