INDEPENDENT KOSOVO THE BIG PUSH OF CLINTON/ALBRIGHT/HOLBROOKE SEVERED PART OF SERBIA TO ACCOMODATE JIHADIST WANNABES….THIS IS THE LEGACY OF THAT RUINOUS POLICY….RSK Thousands rally in Kosovo in support of Muslim headscarf This is what our sons and our daughters fought for when Bill Clinton sent our troops into Bosnia to fight for the Muslims […] PRUDEN: ‘Don’t you know there’s a war on?’ By Wesley Pruden The only relief we can count on in the Gulf will be from the BP drilling crews. That’s something to keep in mind as the lynch mob races to find a hanging tree, armed with blind hysteria and a coil of sea-grass rope. […] By THE WASHINGTON TIMES The White House is clinging to President Obama’s ill-conceived pledge to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan in July 2011, regardless of how the war is going at the time. In dogmatically standing by that pledge, Mr. Obama is virtually guaranteeing he will preside over America’s second lost war. The issue arose […] Ben ConeryThe Supreme Court on Monday upheld one of the government’s most frequently used tools in the battle against terrorism. In a 6-3 decision, the court rejected a constitutional challenge to a law banning “material support” to terrorist organizations, a charge that has frequently been leveled since the Sept.11 attacks on the World Trade […]
Courting Shariah Center for Security Policy | Jun 21, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Hats off to Senator Jeff Sessions! The top Republican on the Senate’s Judiciary Committee has opened up an important new front in the debate over Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s fitness to serve on the Supreme Court: Her attitude towards the repressive legal […]…/cancer+political+left/…/story.html A cancer on the political left By John Robson, The Ottawa Citizen June 18, 2010 The reflexive hostility to Israel on the democratic left is becoming troubling. I think well-meaning progressives need to increase their vigilance in the name of decency. Consider the ruckus caused by remarks in which NDP deputy leader Libby Davies […]
WHAT TOOK SO LONG? AFSI AND FLAME HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS TO THE BRAYING TWO STATE GROUPIES…. EVEN THE NOW DORMANT SHARON CALLED JORDAN PALESTINE. IT IS HISTORY ERASED BY ISRAEL AND THE WEST AND THE RESULTS ARE NOW DISASTROUS…..RSK June 21, 2010 Geert Wilders and King Hussein agree that location is […] Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? By THOMAS SOWELL Posted 06:13 PM ET View Enlarged Image When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s, leading up to his taking power in the 1930s, he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention to politics. Such people […]
Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail- The Dutch politician Geert Wilders has hit the bullseye: ‘Jordan is Palestine,’ said Wilders, who heads the third-largest party in Holland. ‘Changing its name to Palestine will end the conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinians with an alternate homeland…There has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and […]
A Tale of Two Disasters Bush was blamed for local failures after Katrina. Obama got a free ride for weeks as federal failures mounted during the Gulf spill. By PAUL H. RUBIN In many respects, the Deepwater Horizon disaster and Katrina are mirror images of each other. The harm from Katrina was on state […]