Leadership Change Jolts Australia Rudd Resigns Ahead of Vote to Lead Ruling Party, Clearing Way for Nation’s First Female Leader By RACHEL PANNETT CANBERRA—Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd stepped down on Thursday, amid a mutiny in the once-popular leader’s governing party, clearing the way for the country’s first female prime minister. Getty Images , […] Obama set for talks with Russia’s president ‘Reset’ touted, but major differences remain ARE THESE SOLDIERS SLEEPING OR SUNBATHING? RSK Russian President Dmitry Medvedev takes part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow on Tuesday to mark the 69th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s invasion of Russia in 1941. […] Hamas founder’s son decries Islamic ‘god of hate’ By Eli Lake The son of one of the founders of Hamas is turning his back not only on the organization that now controls Gaza, but the religion that so animates the followers of the group his father helped create. Speaking on Wednesday night to the […]
THE WIMPS IN THE WHITE HOUSE REMOVED THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT WIMP IN AFGHANISTAN AND RPLACED HIM WITH ANOTHER ROEs WIMP….WHY THE GLEE?…RSK Four-stars no match for Obama’s four-star ego Camie Davis General McChrystal, it’s your own fault. You should have seen it coming. In a world of sound-bites, when perception trumps reality, how […] readmore&elq=16d759c70a4b4ea596ad8d20b10ef019 Criminal Intent and Militant Funding By Scott Stewart STRATFOR is currently putting the finishing touches on a detailed assessment of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), the al Qaeda-inspired jihadist franchise in that country. As we got deeper into that project, one of the things we noticed was the group’s increasing reliance on […]
Council of Europe votes against ban on burka MPs from 47 countries have unanimously voted against a general ban on the wearing of the burka in public. A woman in a burka Photo: GETTY The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe’s human rights watchdog, the Council of Europe, passed a resolution warning that if governments imposed […] Praise for Leahy’s and Sessions’ first-amendment protecting “SPEECH Act†June 23, 2010 ι Abby Wisse Schachter Rachel Ehrenfeld, the poster child for being a victim of libel tourism – when people sue for libel for published material they don’t like in countries like Britain, where they have a chance of winning – has come out […]
FORGET HOW THE MEDIA CALLS THEM “RIGHT WING” ETC. AS LONG AS THEY CALL THEMSELVES THE RIGHTFUL CITIZENS OF HEBRON AND JUDEA AND SAMARIA AND JERICHO AND GUSH ETZION …THE CRITICS CAN, AS WE SAID IN THE BRONX, TAKE A LONG WALK OFF A SHORT PIER….GO ISRAEL!!! RSK Israel’s Likud set to approve renewal […] The Question of Birthright Citizenship Posted By Russell Pearce When the open borders lobby runs out of excuses for amnesty, their final resort is to “do it for the children.† Last year Nancy Pelosi told a crowd in San Francisco that “Our future is about our children†and, “Taking parents from their children … […] “The hatred felt by the state of Israel against the Palestinians is such that they would not hesitate to send the one-and-a-half million men, women and children of that country to the crematoria where millions of Jews of all ages were exterminated by the Nazis,†wrote Fidel Castro recently in the Cuban press. “It […]