RUSSIA RISES WHILE KYRGYZSTAN BURNS…. Russia Rises While Kyrgyzstan Burns The violence highlights Moscow’s power in a country with an important U.S. military base. By JAMES KIRCHICK Over the past week in Kyrgyzstan, riots between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the country’s south have left nearly 200 people dead. Some 100,000 Uzbeks have poured into neighboring Uzbekistan. Dysentery has […]

HILLARY’S GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN ADVENTURE…PROMOTING SOCIALISM PERLEY: Hillary and Hugo Radical roots yield bitter fruits By Frank Perley, Frank Perley 5:35 p.m., Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has denied any connection between his government and the militant Hezbollah group in southern Lebanon. Hugo Chavez has been amusing himself lately spurning the advances by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Instead, […]

WORST JUDICIARY EVER…FRIGHTENING NOMINATIONS EDITORIAL: The worst judiciary ever Obama’s judicial nominations are frightening By THE WASHINGTON TIMES 6:34 p.m., Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Goodwin Liu, 39, is President Obama’s nominee for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. (Associated Press) The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday forwarded to the full Senate the appellate judicial […]

BIG SHORTAGE OF MEN ON CAMPUS ALLEN: Big man shortage on campus Quiet affirmative action for the boys By Charlotte Allen It’s well-known that there’s a severe gender imbalance in undergraduate college populations: About 57 percent of undergrads these days are female and just 43 percent male, the culmination of a trend in which significantly fewer young men than young […]

GENERAL PETRAEUS HEDGES ON AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL…SUFFERS MINOR COLLAPSE Petraeus hedges on Afghanistan withdrawal General gives testimony, slumps over ASSOCIATED PRESS Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command, is assisted by staff after appearing to collapse during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. A spokesman said he was likely dehydrated and jet-lagged. By Sean Lengell Gen. David […]

THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE MEANS CONQUEST The Ground Zero Mosque and Conquest Vinod Kumar Having worked in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam and the home of its most extreme form, Wahhabism, I was shocked that a New York City neighborhood community board, in its ignorance, recently voted 29 to 1 to support a request to build a mosque and […]

OBAMA’S RADICAL PICK FOR MEDICARE: BETSY MCCAUGHEY _mv32rWv9ka3kByU8H9sxBK Controversy is mounting over Dr. Donald Berwick, President Obama’s nominee to run Medicare and Medicaid — and for good reason. Berwick’s writings reveal that he would make radical changes — seniors beware. Berwick laid out his “Triple Aim” plan in an article he co-authored in Health Affairs (May-June 2008), advocating widespread government use […]

SPINNING LIKE A TOP…UN’S TOP CLIMATEER NOW WELCOMES SKEPTICS Say What?! After Wishing Skeptics Would Rub Asbestos on their Faces, UN IPCC’s Pachauri Now Declares he is ‘not deaf’ to skeptics; Says IPCC ‘should welcome vigorous debate!’ Pachauri also recently smeared skeptics as akin to ‘flat-earthers’ and the promoters of ‘voodoo’ science Tuesday, June 15, 2010 – By Marc Morano -  Climate Depot Climate Depot […]


Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Should These Jews Also Go Back to Poland and Germany? Should These Jews Also Go Back to Poland and Germany? William A. Jacobson, Helen Thomas’ comments that Jews in Israel should go back to Poland and Germany perpetuated the falsehood that Israel is a European implant, which fits nicely into the […]


WHAT A JOKE ON THOSE USELESS IDIOTS WHO HAVE VISITED THE OILY KINGDOM AND RAVED ABOUT THE GLITTER AND MODERATION AND CHARM OF JIHAD’S PRETTIER FACE…..RSK The American Spectator Online ( AT LARGE Dubai’s Tarnished Glitter By Peter Hannaford on 6.10.10 @ 6:07AM DUBAI — Ultra-modern skyscrapers in fanciful shapes, luxurious hotels and condominiums, artificial […]