CHANGING UNDIES AND MORES: MARILYN PENN Marilyn Penn It’s not often that underwear takes on significance beyond its use unless Janet Jackson’s bra is malfunctioning or Victoria’s Secret is staging a major show. Recently, however, three separate stories in the news showed how important underwear can be, reminding us all that mother’s advice to always wear clean panties was, as […]

FSM: UNDERSTANDING ISLAMIC TERROR Exclusive: Correctly Understanding Islamic Terror Robert Weissberg The U.S. has been locked in a war with Islamic terrorists for nearly 20 years (I date the beginning from the November 1990 assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane). This is a complicated war, but one of the most counter-intuitive features is why we yearly spend billions plus […]

KERRY LIEBERMAN CLIMATE BILL WILL CAUSE MORE LAYOFFS… The Kerry-Lieberman Bill Will Cause American Layoffs Posted By Tristan Yates Eighteen months after the stimulus package that was supposed to prevent a deep recession, here we are. Unemployment is still close to 10%, government budgets are at their worst state in decades, and the stock market one bad day away from another meltdown […]

WHY WAS NORTH KOREA TAKEN OFF THE TERRORISM LIST? CLAUDIA ROSETT Now Can We Put North Korea Back on the Terrorism List? Posted By Claudia Rosett Fear not! It seems there is a secret plan to deal once and for all with the murderous totalitarians running the rogue regime of North Korea. The U.S. government, together with the United Nations, is going to bore them […]


Genocide Girl’s Chutzpah Posted By Robert Spencer Questioned by David Horowitz, Jumanah Albahri, a Muslim student (and Muslim Student Association member) at the University of California at San Diego, recently endorsed a new genocide of Jews [1] – thereby giving voice to the real agenda behind the land-for-peace rhetoric that Palestinian spokesmen generally retail in […]

THE SESTAK SHUFFLE The Sestak Shuffle Suddenly, no one wants to talk about a White House job offer. What a difference an election makes. In February, when Representative Joe Sestak was the insurgent underdog challenging a President Obama-anointed incumbent, he told a Philadelphia-based cable host that the previous summer the White House had offered him a high-ranking […]

THE MILITARY GRADUATES HAVE TO ENDURE ORATORY DRIVEL   By Jeannie DeAngelis Imagine — graduating from an influential military academy. Graduation Day comes, and America’s finest are forced to respectfully endure oratory drivel, spoken by a left-wing radical loosely disguised as a president. That is exactly what West Point cadets were subjected to at the 2010 commencement address delivered by Barack Obama. […]

HUNDRED YEAR OLD DOCTOR STILL WORKING Doctor, 100, still working after delivering 18,000 babies A doctor who has delivered 18,000 babies over a career spanning more than 60 years is still practising at 100 years old. By Laura Roberts Published: 1:26PM BST 25 May 2010 Dr Walter Watson Photo: Barry Bland / Barcroft Dr Walter Watson, nicknamed “Papa Doc”, has […]

DRUG VIOLENCE IN JAMAICA W.I. SPREADING…OVER 60 DEAD SO FAR   Jamaica: prime minister promises calm as 60 die in Kingston gun battles Fighting between police, the military and drug gangs has left more than 60 people dead in Jamaica as Bruce Golding, the prime minister, vows to restore calm after three days of violent clashes in the capital Kingston.   Policemen go into […]

PAMELA GELLER: “INTERFAITH”…MOSLEMS AT ISRAEL DAY PARADE   Muslims at the Salute to Israel Day ParadeAnnihilationists. Notice how this is becoming more common. More mainstream. Jihad and Islamic anti-semitism and kuffarphobia should relegated to the very fringes of society, as the KKK was in the early twentieth century, instead of the tacit approval being given to these barbarians and savages with […]