No Niqab Chez Nous Democracy means individual responsibility, which means showing our faces. Article Comments By NIDRA POLLER The question is not if, but when and how France will banish full facial veiling from the streets of the République. Contrary to what has been reported in international media, the conclusions of the Parliamentary Commission are […]

ALLAH IS EVERYWHERE IN KABUL:DIANA WEST Allah Is Everywhere in Kabul Jan 26 Written by: Diana West Photos: Bombs bursting in Baghdad and Kabul (or vice versa). Surge on. This week, the bombs are exploding in US-liberated Baghdad. Earlier this month, they were exploding in US-liberated Kabul. What’s it all about? A January 19 feature story by a reporter-in-Wonderland from […]

THE SULTAN ON REPUBLICAN MALAISE “The spirit of a party is not at the polling booth or in the tv commercial or the neatly printed election day leaflet, but in the beliefs that its members want to fight for and the vision that they have of what America should be.” Behind the Republican Party’s Malaise Scott Brown’s victory and […]

PAY FOR PLAY JOURNALISTS: C. AUSTIN BURRELL Exclusive: Predator Pay-For-Play Journalists And Their Ilk: Who Pays And Who Benefits? C. Austin Burrell I have watched the conduct of a figurative nest of journalists/bloggers/bashers/critics in a series of attacks on the targets of short raids many times over the past 15 years. The questions that never seem to be answered are the […]

GENERAL McCHRYSTAL’S WAR The enemy will never submit to anything other than Islam or to our deadly force. It’s not surprising that General McChrystal was hand picked by Obama, a man who isn’t comfortable with the word “victory.”  We haven’t even begun to fight against Jihad and this “soldier” doesn’t have any more fight left in him. What a disgrace.

SAVE LIVES WITH INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT LAWS Exclusive: Save Lives – Changes to Involuntary Commitment Laws Needed DJ Jaffe This week: A Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania woman who sliced the baby from the wombof a teenager and then killed the mother was found guilty but mentally ill. In Bloomington Illinois, a man accused of fatally bludgeoning his 14-month-old daughter with a baseball bat […]

SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL: THE US, UK AND EU ON ISLAM Exclusive: The US, UK and EU See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil Regarding Radical Islam Tom McLaughlin Lots of news last week: Haiti’s earthquake, Scott Brown’s victory, the Pentagon report on the Fort Hood Massacre, and the beginning of the Geert Wilders trial in Holland. Three out of the four stories […]


British Parliament hosts anti-Zionist Auschwitz survivor for Holocaust memorial day Yesterday, I attended the Holocaust memorial event at Auschwitz in Poland. Little did I know that back in my home country anti-Israeli activists had co-opted two Labour MPs to host a Holocaust survivor in Parliament… to lambast the State of Israel and to accuse […]

FRANCE CONSIDERS BANNING THE BURQA….THE SHARIA CHIC OF ARABY,1518,druck-674390,00.html   SHARIA THE CHIC OF ARABY   Banning the ‘Burqa’ France’s Quest to Maintain its Secular Identity Six months after President Sarkozy declared the burqa and niqab “not welcome” in France, a parliamentary committee has recommended banning full veils. Does the proposal send a clear signal to Muslims in Europe, or is it a […]

WHERE WAS HILLARY DURING THAT YAWN, NUMBING SPEECH The Most Interesting Thing About the SOTU The most interesting thing about the State of the Union – a particularly drab speech by an increasingly drab and peevish man – was the absence of Hillary Clinton from the audience. I know there is an excuse – she had an important meeting in London – […]