Column One: Code Red on Code Pink Jan. 15, 2010 Caroline Glick , THE JERUSALEM POST Oh the shame of it all. Last month, 1,300 pro-Palestinian activists from the US and Europe came to the region in the name of peace and social justice to demonstrate their solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza. Led by […]

WHO IS INCITING WHAT? DIANA WEST Who’s Inciting What? Jan 15 Written by: Diana West   Joining Pakistan (our “ally” in the war on whatever),  Iran (never our “enemy” in the Iranian War in Iraq) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (Sharia Central) this week officially condemned Afterposten, the leading daily newspaper (circ. 250,000) of Norway, for reprinting six […]

U.S. Attorney General’s 5,000 DOJ Pending Indictments Targeting Financial Fraud, And National SecurityC. Austin Burrell Exclusive: U.S. Attorney General’s 5,000 DOJ Pending Indictments Targeting Financial Fraud, And National Security C. Austin Burrell Last week, in a speech given in West Palm Beach, Attorney General Holder announced 5,000 pending indictments by the Department of Justice of individuals linked to financial institution fraud as part of an overall targeting of market […]

IS THE US HEADED TOWARDS SOCIALISM? JANET LEVY Exclusive: The March Toward ‘Gleichschaltung’ – Is the U.S. Heading Toward Socialism? Janet Levy In 1933, Hitler began a systematic attempt to eliminate opposition and bring about conformity with the Nazi agenda. Using the policy of Gleichschaltung or “Synchronization,” he consolidated his authority within the Reich bureaucracy and key aspects of German culture and […]

DOROTHY RABINOWITZ ON MARTHA COAKLEY’S CONVICTIONS…..GOTTAREAD Martha Coakley’s Convictions The role played by the U.S. Senate candidate in a notorious sex case raises questions about her judgment. By DOROTHY RABINOWITZ The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, was well known to the world by […]


Be careful and afraid when you sit in an airplane….the person sitting next to you with an explosive in his dentures may be a mortgage fraudster…. rsk By Daniel Wagner and Tom Raum ASSOCIATED PRESS Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Thursday told a panel studying the financial crisis that combating white-collar crime is “a […]

PAM MEISTER: 10 YEAR OLD KID ON TERROR WATCH LIST WHILE DETROIT WANNABE JIHADIST WAS WAVED THROUGH!! Exclusive: Boy Under 10 on Terror Watch List While Abdulmutallab Was Waved Through – What’s Wrong with This Picture? Pam Meister This story made me sit up and take notice. Eight-year-old Mikey Hicks was first patted down at the airport at the age of two because he shares the name of someone who is […]


The Toothless Visas Viper By Pamela Geller After a series of successful and unsuccessful jihad attacks across this great nation, on Christmas Day, the crotch-bomber attempted to explode a bomb hidden in his underwear while landing in Detroit on Northwest Flight 253. And so after months of ignoring the jihad against America and pretending that […]

HOW NOW BROWN WOW…..MARK STEYN ON COAKLEY SINKING IN POLLS How Now? Brown Wow! [Mark Steyn] A new poll in Boston: “It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape.” The poll shows Brown, a state senator from Wrentham, besting Coakley, the state’s attorney general, by 50 percent to 46 percent, the first major […]

McCHRYSTAL CLEAR:” COUNTERINSURGENCY IS DECIDED BY “HOW PEOPLE FEEL” War General’s Worry: “How People Feel” Written by: Diana West It feels like forever, but it’s only been six months since I started following “counterinsurgency” philosophy as particularly hyped by our top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A.McChrystal. Then again, it’s only been six months since McChrystal got the top job. In that time, […]