NO WIND IN HIS SAILS: GORE CANCELS PERSONAL APPEARANCE IN COPENHAGEN…. JENNIFER HARPER Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday abruptly canceled a Dec. 16 personal appearance that was to be staged during the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, which begins next week. As described in The Washington Times’ Inside the Beltway column Tuesday, the multimedia public event to promote Mr. Gore’s new […]

A LARGE STEP TAKEN TIMIDLY BY A MAN WHO IS NO WARRIOR AT ALL:WES PRUDEN Wesley Pruden There’s no fury like the fury of a disappointed wife who discovers that the man of her dreams isn’t the man she wakes up with. This sometimes goes for presidents and their followers, too. The angry Democrats on the left are about to go after Barack Obama with a (figurative) 5-iron. All […]

THE WORM TURNS; AYERS PROTESTING OBAMAPOLICY How far will Ayers turn against Obama? Jack Cashill On two unprompted occasions in October of this year, Bill Ayers admitted to having written Barack Obama’s acclaimed memoir, Dreams From My Father. At the time, I wrote of these admissions that “however ironic their delivery, [they] remind Obama who put him in the White […]

UNRAVELLING NOW…..THE CLIMATEERS AND THEIR SCAM James Delingpole So many new developments: which story do we pick? Maybe best to summarise, instead. After all, it’s not like you’re going to find much of this reported in the MSM. 1. Australia’s Senate rejects Emissions Trading Scheme for a second time. Or: so turkeys don’t vote Christmas. Expect to see a lot […]

ANNE BAYEFSKY: IRAN TIMELINE IS A ONE WAY TICKET TO OBLIVION The Iran Timeline The Obama administration’s apparent plan is a one-way ticket to oblivion. By Anne Bayefsky President Obama’s response to Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s announcement that he plans to go full steam ahead on the nuclear front is revealing. It does not matter how many times Iran says no to the offers presented. It […]


The Walpin pretext Under the traditional law of employment discrimination, an employee alleging illegal termination can make out a prima facie case by alleging his membership in a protected class and adequate performance of his job. To rebut the prima facie case, an employer need only explain the termination by producing evidence of a […]

JIHAD/BOMBER DISGUISED AS A WOMAN IN SOMALIA MURDERS THREE Jihad/martyrdom bomber disguised as veiled woman murders 3 Somali cabinet ministers Burka burka Muhammad jihad. Isn’t it great that in America we’re busy removing obstacles to veiling? “Blast Kills 3 Somali Cabinet Ministers,” by Jeffrey Gettleman and Mohamed Ibrahim for the New York Times, December 3 (thanks to all who sent this in): NAIROBI, […]

SHE NOTICED!!! NAPOLITANO WARNS OF TERRORIST THREAT IN THE US DHS chief discovers a jihadist threat in the U.S. She ascribes it entirely to al-Qaeda, which is inaccurate, but since she has hardly said anything at all about the jihad threat in the U.S. before, and got her job because of her work on the border as Governor of Arizona, this is noteworthy. “Homeland […]


“The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law”  By William Mehlman With The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law (Mazo Publishers, Jerusalem) Canadian-born Israeli constitutional scholar and lawyer Howard Grief has given us a book that shatters every myth, lie, misrepresentation and distortion employed over the 61 years of Israel’s […]

CAL THOMAS: Q&A WITH VIRGINIA’S NEW GOVERNOR….IS HE THE NEW FACE OF THE GOP? Q. What will be your first two or three agenda items after you become governor next month? A. Jobs, jobs, jobs. That’s what I campaigned on; that’s what I’m going to govern on. We’ve got tough economic times and economic development will dominate the first (General Assembly session) for me. I’ve got to find […]