Their unwillingness to get serious about this surge is going to cost them dearly.
Perhaps we’re nearing a rapprochement with our friends on the left about what is now the No. 1 concern among the key voting group of Latinos. Yes, Democrats twist themselves into knots when the subject is crime, violent crime, or criminals. But the Dems are finally coming around to the idea that there is at least a problem with “gun violence.”
That’s the spirit. Darn those guns! They should all be locked up and given hefty prison sentences.
But this is progress. True, I think most Americans understand guns to be built into the equation when it comes to violent crime. People don’t greatly fear being attacked with slingshots or blow darts. Still, if it will make Democrats happy to frame our very disturbing crime problem as “gun violence,” I will go along. Ordinarily, Democrats have as much difficulty saying the word “criminal” as Fonzie had when he tried and failed to admit he was wrong. We’ll be happy to reframe criminals as “people involved with the perpetration of gun violence” if Democrats will agree to put such people in prison for appropriate periods of time. The interest they show in doing this is limited.
Democrats who say they’re concerned about gun violence show very little interest in reducing it. Nearly nine in ten voters think crime is going to be a major issue in the midterms, and it’s obvious which party stands for going easy on criminals.
If Democrats would like to prove that they actually abhor gun violence, they can stop nattering about adding time and paperwork to the process of becoming a licensed gun owner, since licensed gun owners are not the problem.