“Ayalon also said that in 1949, when Israel was admitted, two-thirds of the nations represented at the United Nations were democratic, whereas today the opposite is true. “Many of these nations are dictatorial and human-rights abusers who form an automatic majority against us…”…Reader comment on Jihadwatch http://www.jihadwatch.org/ “If…the Palestinians wanted to pass a resolution claiming […]
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/17310  “Party Crashers†had five-year relationship with Obama before state dinnerBy Judi McLeod  Saturday, November 28, 2009 While the big gun media and American Secret Service are out there investigating “party crashers†Tareq and Michaele Salahi, no one’s telling the truth: Obama knew the Salahis when he was still an Illinois senator. Polo Contacts Worldwide […]
His “lordship” could have made a pretty speech for the mummies in Parliament without this outright lie. British perversity in ruling Palestine doomed millions of Jews by proclaiming their vicious “white papers” which shut the gates of Palestine and trapped the Jews of Europe. Furthermore, thanks to their blackbelt anti_Semites Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin, […]
Shlomo Sand’s ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’ is a success for Israel By Carlo Strenger Some may be surprised to find that Sand’s goal is to preserve Israel as a democracy with a Jewish character. For a number of days now, the NYT review of Shlomo Sand’s The Invention of the Jewish People, which […]
The Israel Test By GEORGE GILDER Richard Vigilante Booksd Redacted from an in-depth, astute analytical review By MICHAEL MEDVED COMMENTARY, November 2009 It wasn’t the author’s intention, to be sure, but George Gilder’s new book, The Israel Test, may infect some Jewish readers with a bad case of WASP envy: Only a Protestant patrician with […]
Obama’s Search for Peace in Our Time The West goes wobbly on Iran. by Matthias Küntzel Weekly Standard 12/07/2009, Volume 015, Issue 12 On November 18, Iran’s foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki rejected a proposal that his country should export some 70 percent of its low-enriched uranium for further processing abroad. On November 20, the five […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Friday Afternoon Roundup – An Unprecedented Mountain of Debt Since Obama is rather attached to describing everything he does as “unprecedented“, “I have achieved an unprecedented level of transparency”, “I played an unprecedented amount of golf this year” and “I just wasted an unprecedented amount of money”… in honor of the Liar in Chief, […]
ANNIE AND CARLOS  ARE FRIENDS OF MY DAUGHTER WHO MET THEM AT PRINCETON…..THEY ARE DEVOTED TO ISRAEL…BLESS THEM…..RSK Anna Hosbein lives in Bolivia, where she and her husband Carlos fight to defend civil liberties and get the word out about the real story in South America. Hunger Strike: Activist Protests Ahmadinejad’s Visit to Bolivia  By Anna […]
Exclusive: An Important Message from Brigadier General Ahmad Mighani Satire by Shawn Goodwin Good day, imperialist dogs. My name is Brigadier General Ahmad Mighani of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and I am here to deliver a message of doom to the West. Our exalted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would have brought this message himself, but since […]
http://www.webofdeception.com/whitehousepartycrasher.html   Meet White House Crasher Tareq Dirgham Salahi: The arrest for “ABUSIVE LANGUAGE” last year in Virginia, the lawsuits, the tax liens and Board membership on AMERICAN TASK FORCE ON PALESTINE and the State of Virginia put out a warning on his charitable entity  TAREQ DIRGHAM SALAHI DOB: 5/26/1968  MICHAELE A HOLT SALAHI DOB: 10/1/1965 […]