Exclusive: Oval Office Watch – Saturday, November 21 Obama says ‘Stimulus’ data errors are a “side issue!” CLICK HERE. Honest Liberals on Mob-O-Care SEE HERE.  Obama Has a “Boundaries” Problem Austin Hill,  Does President Obama have “boundary†problems?  That’s a fair question, because of his apparent unwillingness – or perhaps it’s […]
SPIEGEL ONLINE Stagnating Temperatures Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out By Gerald Traufetter Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years. Some attribute the trend to a lack of sunspots, while others explain it through ocean currents. At least the […] James Delingpole is a writer, journalist and broadcaster who is right about everything. He is the author of numerous fantastically entertaining books including Welcome To Obamaland: I’ve Seen Your Future And It Doesn’t Work, How To Be Right, and the Coward series of WWII adventure novels. His website is Climategate: the final nail […]
The Evidence of Climate Fraud By Marc Sheppard A folder containing documents, data and emails purportedly “hacked” from Britain’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) may be smoking gun proof of a worldwide conspiracy to exaggerate the existence, causation and threat of global warming. And the list of apparent conspirators includes many of the world’s leading climate […]
God and Government: Islam and West Are Incompatible By Amil Imani Western policymakers and elites in government, academia, and the media suffer from an extraordinary ignorance about the true nature of Islam. This ignorance was on display following the murder of thirteen American troops at Fort Hood, Texas by Nidal Hasan, a devout Muslim who […] Gray Mountain State As longtime readers know, the Demographic Deathwatch is not a novelty dance craze but a recurring feature of this column. But it’s not just for Europe, Russia, China, and Japan anymore! Some parts of America are acquiring demographic profiles that would qualify them for EU membership. Take the Green Mountain State. […] Darren Gygi PC Unto Death The Fort Hood massacre and the failure of courage that permitted it THEODORE DALRYMPLE Twenty years ago I was confronted by a patient who dressed in battle fatigues with a German flag sewn onto his sleeve — not a healthy sign, I thought. He had never been in the […] Jihad, Inc ALEX ALEXIEV As we struggle to come to terms with the Fort Hood massacre, the first thing to do — if we want to prevent such terrorism from becoming a regular event — is to understand why it happened and who or what is to blame for it. Despite the mainstream media’s […] SALLY PIPES IS THE MOST BRILLIANT, MOST AUTHORITATIVE COMMENTATOR ON THE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM…..RSK Friday, November 20, 2009 The Audacity of Senator Reid’s Health-Care Bill [Sally Pipes] During the 2008 election campaign, Barack Obama’s book The Audacity of Hope was often mentioned. A year after his election to the presidency, Obama continues to […]
The Spy Who Loved Hamas. And Hezbollah. And Iran. Just who is ex-MI6 superstar Alastair Crooke working for, anyway? —By David Samuels   THE ALBERGO HOTEL, on a quiet, narrow street in the wealthy Ashrafieh neighborhood of Beirut, is a perfect place to meet a spy. The name of the street is Abdel Wahab […]