FORT HOOD KILLER CONTACTED MUSLIM EXTREMISTS EXCLUSIVE: Fort Hood suspect contacted Muslim extremists Ben Conery and Victor Morton and Jerry Seper Fort Hood shooting suspect Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had been in contact with numerous Muslim extremists — some of whom are under federal investigation — before last week’s rampage, two U.S. officials told The Washington Times on Wednesday. […]


EPA Lawyers: Cap-And-Trade ‘Fatally Flawed’ Posted 11/11/2009 07:28 PM ET Warming: After stifling a report questioning the science behind climate change, the EPA is censoring two of its lawyers for saying the proposed solutions are also problematical. The debate isn’t over. It’s being suppressed. In the proud tradition of EPA whistle-blower Alan Carlin, whose leaked […]


Random Notes On The Passing Scene By THOMAS SOWELLPosted 11/11/2009 06:15 PM ET It was fascinating to see Barack Obama warning us not to leap to conclusions about the killings at Fort Hood, Texas — after the way he leaped to conclusions over the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, when he knew less about the […]

PROLOGUE FOR A MISTAKEN POLICY: BERES, McCINERNEY, VALLELY Prologue for a mistaken policy Louis Rene Beres, Thomas McInerney and Paul E. Vallely What sort of national security policy can we expect from a president who seeks a “world free of nuclear weapons?” In principle, this is a reasonable objective. In reality, however, it is preposterous. President Obama, by failing to identify serious […]

A PRIMER ON ISLAM AT FORT HOOD:HUGH FITZGERALD Fitzgerald: Major Nidal Malik Hasan Gives Us All A Course In Islam Nidal Malik Hasan offered a course in Islam here, but his real course in Islam came later, at Fort Hood. KILLEEN, Texas – Leaders of the vibrant Muslim community here expressed outrage on Friday at the shooting rampage being laid to one […]

BACKLASH? ISLAMOPHOBIA? NO….ROBERT SPENCER Backlash fever is sweeping the nation: thirteen Americans are dead and thirty-eight wounded in a jihad attack at Fort Hood, and our government’s primary concern — from the Chief of Staff of the Army to the Islamic pressure groups such as CAIR — are focused entirely on ensuring that Muslims in the United States […]

NRO SYMPOSIUM ON TERROR Is the Fort Hood massacre a deadly example of political correctness run amok? National Review Online asked a few of our contributors for their observations on how the shooting happened and what we can do to prevent similar incidents in the future. PETER BROOKES This story is still unraveling, but it seems to me […]

MUSLIM AT MALL TEARS CROSS FROM SHOPPER’S NECK SHOUTS “ALLAH IS POWER” Backlash in California: Muslim at mall kiosk tears crucifix from shopper’s neck, shouts “Allah is power” Whoops, sorry — this isn’t backlash against the poor, innocent Muslims being terrorized and victimized by the thousands after the Fort Hood Nothing-To-Do-With-Islam attack. This is just the familiar Muslim backlash against non-Muslims, which will increasingly be a […]

FROM AUSTRALIA: WE DEMAND ALL THE FACTS ABOUT MUSLIMS IN THE MILITARY We demand all the facts….John Bolt THE first thing a journalist – I mean a real journalist – would do is tell you what actually happened. Like this: an American officer shot dead 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas on Friday. Then the second thing a journalist – a real one – would do […]


HIS VIEWS ON IMMIGRATION DID HIM IN…SEE COMMENTS BELOW….NO TEARS HERE HE WAS DECIDEDLY ANTI-ISRAEL…RSK Lou Dobbs Says He’s Leaving CNN Immediately CNN’s Lou Dobbs, a lightning rod for criticism following his transition from a business journalist to an opinionated anchor on such issues as illegal immigration, told viewers on Wednesday that he was […]