HE ONCE WROTE A TERRIFIC NOVEL “RULES OF ENGAGMENT” WHICH WAS MADE INTO A GREAT MOVIE WITH TOMMY LEE JONES WHO DEFENDS A US SOLDIER FOR GIVING ORDERS TO “WASTE THE MOTHERFU…..ERS” WHEN CONFRONTED WITH AN ARAB RIOT……WHAT HAPPENED TO WEBB?  http://frontpagemag.com/2009/10/08/the-webb-of-betrayal-by-ryan-mauro/ The military junta of Burma is working hard at oppressing the country’s […]
 http://www.forbes.com/2009/10/07/diplomacy-washington-dictators-honduras-opinions-columnists-claudia-rosett.html   Freedom’s Edge Win Over Washington One Nuke At A Time  A memo to Honduras.   Claudia Rosett, 10.08.09, 12:01 AM ET    To: The Interim Government of Honduras, Attention Interim President Roberto Micheletti From: The Hope and Change Global Consulting Service, Washington, D.C. Re: Policy Options Dear Interim President […]
 DOES ANYONE REMEMBER ROSLYN YALOW: Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (born July 19, 1921) is an American medical physicist, and a co-winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her …check her out on google Rosalyn_Sussman_Yalow SHE ENRAGED THE FEMINISTS WHEN SHE DISCLOSED THAT SHE DID ALL THE COOKING AND WASHING DISHES…EVEN MAKING POTATO […]
 Thursday, October 8, 2009 House GOP fails to strip Rangel of chairmanship   Joseph Weber and S.A. Miller THE WASHINGTON TIMES House Republicans came up short in a bid Wednesday to strip Rep. Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat, of his post as chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee because of […]
 IF YOU CAN’T USE THE WORD JIHAD OR ISLAM….WHERE IS THE POLICY? Al-Qaida Underrated Posted 10/07/2009 06:35 PM ET War On Terror: The would-be conventional wisdom, being spread far and wide by Democrats, is that al-Qaida is petering out in Afghanistan. Once again, we are underestimating Osama bin Laden’s deadly outfit. National Security Adviser James […]
Congress’ Ugly Intimidation Of An Industry By STEVE FORBESPosted 10/07/2009 06:13 PM ET For anyone who missed it, we witnessed in recent weeks one of the broadest misuses of congressional power in recent history. Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and his colleague Bart Stupak are openly engaged in a […]
IT’S NOT HYSTERIA FOR THE FAMILIES OF THE YOUNG SOLDIERS KILLED BRINGING SHARIA COMFORTS TO THE POPULATION….ANYONE EVER REMEMBER THE WORD “VICTORY” MEANT KILLING, DISARMING AND “SEDATING” THE ENEMIES…..RSK  Thoughts on the Hysteria About Afghanistan – Victor Davis Hanson – The Corner on National Review Online  http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NDA1ZDFiZDQ0NDRhMDZhMjUzM2IzMGM0YTY5NjVlYjQ=  Thoughts on the Hysteria About […]
Hamas bans women from motorcycles Oct. 7, 2009 Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST The Hamas government has banned women from riding motorcycles in the Gaza Strip, saying the move was in keeping with “Arab traditions.” The decision to ban women from riding motorcycles was published by the Hamas-controlled Interior Ministry, which is in […]
http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com/2009/10/there-is-no-baucus-bill.html  Wednesday, October 7, 2009 THERE IS NO BAUCUS BILL The internet is alive with the sound of people analyzing the CBO’s “scoring” of the Max Baucus aka Senate Finance Committee Health Care Bill. Before everyone gets too deeply into their thoughts, please keep in mind the following (get ready, all CAPS, bold, indented […]
This is a great site with news on our vulnerability….read and worry …. The site is linked under blogs for your convenience….. Â http://securitydebrief.adfero.com/