Muslim Terrorist hid bomb in rectum I guess the TSA will have to start hiring proctologists. Gives the term, ‘what an a**hole’, new meaning. Breaking News: Al-Qaida has adopted a technique from drug smugglers that allows suicide bombers to breach even the tightest security. One of the terrorists who tried to assassinate a Saudi […] Obama in Afghanistan: Losing a War to Reassure his Re-Election Ben Shapiro Wednesday, October 07, 2009 On the weekend of Oct. 3, Taliban fighters in northern Afghanistan launched a mini-Tet Offensive against American troop bases. Over 300 terrorists and their allies stormed the bases in an attack that started in a nearby mosque, which […]
Commies, Fascists and Perverts, Oh My! Matt Barber Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Obama’s inner-circle is shaping-up like the bar scene from Star Wars. It’s a swollen throng of unaccountable czars and policy advisors comprised of some of the most bizarre fringe leftists imaginable. As mom always said, you’re known by the company you keep […]  Spin Doctors for Obamacare Michelle Malkin Wednesday, October 07, 2009 Lights, camera, agitprop! The curtains opened on yet another artfully staged performance of Obamacare Theater this week. One hundred and fifty doctors took their places on the plush lawn outside the West Wing — many acting like “Twilight” groupies with cameras instead of […] GO TO THE LINK ON THE BLOGROLL AND CHECK IT OUT…
“Iran, unlike the Obama Administration, cannot only walk and chew gum at the same time, it can chew up and spit out American policymakers as well.” RubinReports: It’s Official! Iran Publicly Says it Fooled U.S. and Europeans in Geneva, Offered Nothing  It’s Official! Iran Publicly Says it Fooled U.S. and Europeans in […]
October 6, 2009 Exclusive: Pakistan: Abuse of Christians and Other Religious Minorities (Part One of Three) Adrian Morgan  This year, Christians in Pakistan have suffered their worst persecutions for a decade. As a percentage of the population in the predominantly Muslim country, Christians number less than five percent. This year, seven Christians were burned […]
Détente and the Bunker How to oppose a president’s disastrous foreign policy. by Elliott Abrams 10/12/2009 The Weekly Standard  The appearance in Washington last week of Iran’s foreign minister, while the blood is not yet dry from his government’s continuing suppression of student protests, is a reminder of the disastrous foreign policy path the […]
THERE ARE 100 JEWISH FAMILIES IN HONDURAS…JUST ENOUGH TO BRING OUT THE HATRED……RSK By ELISABETH MALKIN Published: October 6, 2009 MEXICO CITY     October 6, 2009 MEXICO CITY — As both sides hurl insults at each other in the three-month-old political crisis in Honduras, a radio talk show host’s anti-Semitic comments have resonated far beyond […]  US funds dry up for Iran rights watchdog Obama White House less confrontational By Farah Stockman, Globe Staff  | October 6, 2009 WASHINGTON – For the past five years, researchers in a modest office overlooking the New Haven green have carefully documented cases of assassination and torture of democracy activists in Iran. With […]