Subject: Robert Spencer speaking in Germany – fabulous!  Please check out this video of Robert speaking in Germany…He walks on stage carrying an Israeli Flag   THE WASHINGTON TIMES When last we left Gerald Walpin, the unfairly fired inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service, he had filed a lawsuit on July 17 protesting his dismissal. He submitted technical amendments to his complaint on July 24, and the government was supposed to respond within […]
Alexander’s Essay – October 8, 2009 PatriotPost.US Version 5.0   Fellow Patriots, we made some significant changes this week at The Patriot Post. When I launched The Patriot as The Federalist back in August of ’96, I did so with the mission of advocating for individual liberty, restoring constitutional limits on government and the […]
Analysis: Obama’s woes keep piling up around globe By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer Barry Schweid, Ap Diplomatic Writer Thu Oct 8, 9:07 am ET WASHINGTON – The woes keep piling up for President Barack Obama. While it is unfair to blame him for all the world’s problems (although some folks try) there is no question he is having […] New York Daily News – New York,NY,USA Rescue writers from scourge of  libel tourism By Rachel Ehrenfeld Thursday, October 8th 2009, 4:00 AM Paul Williams has lived in Pennsylvania all his life. Yet with pretrial proceedings that begin today, Canadian libel laws now threaten to ruin him financially. Williams is a National Book […]
From: Tom Gross Sent: October 8, 2009 Subject: Israelis are from Mars and Palestinians from Venus. How will we reconcile them? * “Muslim Judeophobia is not – as is commonly claimed – a reaction to the Mideast conflict but one of its main ‘root causes.’ It has been fueling Arab rejection of a Jewish state […]
Wednesday, October 07, 2009 Putting the Mainstream Media Out of its Misery The business model of the mainstream media is rapidly approaching the point at which it will become economically unsustainable. Ads and subscriptions are the primary revenue source for newspapers and magazines. The internet does advertising better and cheaper, both nationally and locally, and […]
Intelligence Fiasco Footnote The authors of the 2007 Iran NIE have some explaining to do. When it comes to politicized intelligence in the Bush years, the critics may finally have a point. Perhaps the work of America’s intelligence agencies was manipulated to suit the convenience of a small group of willful officials, intent on getting […]
Another Scary Czar Some Blue Dogs have a better way to protect financial consumers. The time of year has arrived again when the stores fill up with the masks and costumes of Halloween. Some folks probably think Washington has spent most of the past year creating scary things, from the Stimulus Monster to the Trillion […]