The Davos global elites are dangerously flirting with a new global government. Klaus Schwab (not Charles Schwab), the Chairman of the World Economic Forum published a book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset”. The reset was forecasted as the best method to use to challenge Capitalism through a catastrophic event. The event derived from biological attacks against the United States and the world through the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Wuhan Virology Laboratory in late 2019.
Tragic events spread fear and anxiety within societies to break them down to create a new society in the eyes of the instigators. Interesting to note how accomplices of international corporations and financial institutions have partnered with the Global Elitist and the “Deep State” operatives in the latest attack against democracies.
These global elitists, by the way, are determined to destroy any sense of Nationalism anywhere on the globe. As David Rockefeller said, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept a new world order”. When a group of nefarious people (a globalist cabal) develop big plans and need the right major crisis to begin implementation, they create one. And create they did. But no one wants to talk about it in the mainstream media or government. They would rather laugh and dismiss it as conspiracy. Why? Because they are all part of it. They want you to believe everything is normal with only a few temporary setbacks on the way to ‘building back better’, while they secretly remove the foundations upon which our country rests. The general goals are to: a. Collapse the US and EU economies, create chaos which will allow the institution of digital currency, IDs, social credit controls etc. b. Eliminate the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. c. Establish New World Order, One World Government.