“She perhaps sought fame and fortune but she was, in the end, used and abused, by Cheney, the committee at large and by the media.”
The hapless Cassidy Hutchinson “testified” before the moonbat panel of Trump haters. Her “testimony” was fraught with “I was in the vicinity of a conversation,” “I heard something to the effect of,” “ I overheard,”…..the girl could testify only to hearsay. Her performance was pathetic. She was used and abused, most probably by Liz Cheney. The other members of the committee seemed to know not a thing about what this “emergency witness” was going to say. She was Liz’s surprise witness and, comically, no one thought to check her story which was chock full of lies, lies that were exposed within hours of that “emergency testimony.”
So, who is this pitiful young woman? She was an aide to Mark Meadows, about whom she lied as well; neither he nor Guliani sought pardons from President Trump. The Secret Service agents she cited have both denied her claims that Trump “grabbed the steering wheel” or assaulted one of them in an attempt to go to the Capitol that day. She even identified a note as one she had written that day when even Cheney knew that was a lie; it was written by Eric Herschmann. She was apparently hoping for a job with President Trump at Mar A Lago but then was not hired for a position there. Could she be mad?
As Greg Gutfield commented, her appearance “made the Hindenburg look like a fender bender.” Keep in mind that she had testified five times before this committee previously but then changed lawyers and suddenly came up with an entirely different story. Was she threatened? Paid a large amount of money? Promised fame and fortune? Maybe she just wanted her five minutes of fame. She got less than that before her tall tale was exposed as a tissue of lies.