Our Coming Energy Famine Mario Loyola


Economic change and Biden’s hostility to fossil fuels are setting up an electricity crisis

Most Americans are unaware of a grave danger looming on the horizon: a historic — and entirely self-inflicted — energy-scarcity crisis. The “transition from fossil fuels” presupposes that “clean energy” substitutes will be ready when needed. But while the war on fossil fuels is making real gains, at least in the electricity sector, the effort to deploy renewable substitutes is failing catastrophically. Add soaring demand, and America is facing the worst energy shortfall in its history.

The nation’s grid regulators are already sounding the alarm. “I am extremely concerned about the pace of retirements we are seeing of generators which are needed for reliability on our system,” Willie Phillips, a Biden appointee who chairs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), testified last year. According to fellow FERC commissioner Mark Christie, a Trump appointee, “The red lights are flashing.”

States in the Midwest are likely to be among the hardest hit. In a February report, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), a high-voltage transmission system that provides power to 15 states in the central U.S., warned of “urgent and complex challenges to electric system reliability,” citing a “hyper-complex risk environment.” NERC, which oversees electricity supply across North America, expects MISO to face a staggering capacity shortfall of 4.7 gigawatts (GW) — equivalent to above five average-size nuclear-power plants — by 2028.

Realistically, the only way that America could make up the shortfall in electrical capacity would be through a massive increase in the number of coal and natural-gas power plants. Alas, those are primary targets of the Environmental Protection Agency’s new power-plant rule, published in May.

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick endorses Trump for president The campaign also announced the creation of the “Black Americans for Trump” coalition. By Madeleine Hubbard


Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and other black American leaders endorsed former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign announced.

Trump commuted Kilpatrick’s prison sentence for fraud and racketeering on his last day in the Oval Office, and the former president’s campaign quoted Kilpatrick’s endorsement in an announcement Saturday, alongside the endorsements of other prominent black Americans.

“I can never thank President Trump enough for what he’s done for me and my family by giving me freedom. But I believe this election and the issues involved are personal to every family and every person in America,” Kilpatrick, who served as a Democrat in the Michigan House of Representatives, said.

The campaign also announced the creation of the “Black Americans for Trump” coalition. 

CHAPTER 23: Legalizing Pedophilia—The Sorensen Report Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024) by Linda Goudsmit


David Sorensen, anti–mainstream media journalist and founder of the website Stop World Control,[i] provides the most comprehensive data on the United Nations’ and World Health Organization’s criminal efforts to legalize pedophilia in a stunning report, “‘Schools must equip children to have sexual partners’—The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia.”[ii]The September 2022 Sorensen Report is an unflinching exposé of globalism’s orchestrated, coordinated effort to destroy children’s innocence worldwide in its megalomaniacal campaign for world domination. The report begins with an invitation to download and disseminate the information in order to raise public awareness of the insidious attack on children worldwide:

This evidence report reveals how the World Health Organization and United Nations are sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. This report consists of nothing but solid evidence, with many official documents, videos, books, archives, etc. All PDF documents may be downloaded from the references section at the end of this report [or by using Archive.org][iii].

Readers are invited to share the Sorensen Report with the world:

It is critical that this report reaches as many people as possible. Please send it far and wide, using all possible means. You can, for example, copy this short letter and send it to local newspapers, schools, law enforcement, churches, hospitals, politicians, etc. You can find their contact info with a quick search on the Internet.

To whom it concerns,

The World Health Organization and the United Nations are instructing education authorities worldwide to teach babies, toddlers and young children to masturbate, use pornography, learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex, and engage in same-sex relationships. The WHO and UN instruct educators to encourage children to start with sex as young as possible, and help all children to have sexual partners. Evidence shows how this is part of a worldwide operation to normalize pedophilia. See the following report: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/children

We invite you to carefully consider this information.


Your signature

I was absolutely shocked by the Sorensen Report. I read it and reread it to be sure of what I was reading, because its contents are so sexually explicit, sexually graphic, and sexually inappropriate. The report is horrific and emotionally overwhelming, but essential reading to fully understand how widespread and sinister the campaign to destroy children’s innocence actually is. After validating the report’s sources, I include excerpts here, but I highly recommend that the reader take a deep breath and read the report in its entirety.

Nearly Half Of Voters Say Biden Not Mentally Fit For A Second Term: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


In recent weeks, after several very public signs of age-related issues, 81-year-old President Joe Biden’s physical and mental fitness for the White House have once again become a topic of debate. Is the oldest president ever to serve still fit for office? A plurality of voters say “no,” according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll.

Overall, more American voters give Biden failing grades than passing ones when it comes to both his mental and physical health, according to the national online June I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from May 29-31, of 1,910 adults. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.4 percentage points.

Our first question asked: “President Biden is seeking a second term. How would you rate his mental acuity and physical fitness?” Participants were then given several possible answers, with a school-style grade assigned: A (excellent), B (good), C (average), D (poor), and F (unacceptable).

On mental acuity, or sharpness, the poll wasn’t close: For 47% of those who answered the poll, Biden earned either D (16%) or F (31)% grades. Just 33% gave him either A (14%) or B (19%). Another 16% rated him C — just average.

Overall, Biden’s “grade-point average” was 1.66, or roughly a D+ grade on the traditional “A-to-F” grading continuum.

But, not surprisingly, the answers weren’t uniform across all demographic groups.

For instance, Democrats were far more likely to give Biden high passing grades for mental acuity (67%) than failing ones (11%), while just 10% of Republicans gave Biden passing grades and 80% flunked him. Independents also were unimpressed: They delivered 55% D or F grades, versus just 18% high passing grades.

By race, white respondents were generally harsher on Biden than minorities.


Palestinians’ Heroes: Murderers, Rapists and Kidnappers of Babies by Bassam Tawil


Support for Hamas also coincides with the Biden administration’s and some European nations’ ongoing promotion of creating a Palestinian state right next to Israel. This move would not only open the door for more atrocities against Israelis, but would also put Israel in grave danger because the Palestinian state, even under the supposedly watchful eye of a chaperone, would essentially be ruled by the same murderers and rapists who took part in the October 7 carnage.

These European nations — Ireland, Norway, and Spain — have sent a message to the Palestinians that the only way they can get international recognition for their state is by murdering Jews.

In a similar vein, the Biden administration has communicated to the Palestinians that the October 7 atrocities have heightened their likelihood of creating a terror state ruled by the Iranian regime and its Palestinian proxies, which would be used as a launchpad to murder more Jews and destroy Israel. This is evident in the administration’s continued support for a “two-state solution.”

Most Palestinians know what the Biden administration does not want to know: that the PA leadership cannot be trusted to implement any reforms or combat financial and administrative corruption.

In addition, 54% of Palestinians polled support an “armed struggle” against Israel, an 8-point rise from the previous poll three months ago.

The results of the poll also confirm what a Palestinian state would look like: it will be a terror state funded and armed by Qatar and Iran.

This tenacity is exactly why there is no substitute to destroying Hamas.

[Hamas official Ghazi] Hamad also said that Egypt and Qatar have exerted no pressure on Hamas whatsoever to accept Biden’s proposed ceasefire, and that media reports about threats to expel Hamas leaders from Qatar are false.

Or is it possible that this is why they want Hamas to win? To see the Jews finally get their comeuppance for having had the gall not to accept their role as crushed victims after World War II, but instead to work hard and transform a land of malaria-infested swamps, sand dunes and deserts into a successful modern state?

“Israel should swiftly and decisively eliminate Muslim Brotherhood terrorist forces in Gaza.” — Amjad Taha, political strategist and analyst from the United Arab Emirates, X, June 12, 2024.

The Feds Are Itching to J6 Us Again By J.B. Shurk


After New York’s sham “justice” system procured a ridiculous felony conviction against President Trump, a lot of leftist commentators predicted that his supporters would erupt in violent mayhem.  When MAGA Americans failed to riot in the streets like Antifa goons and pro-Hamas jihadists, it was easy to sense Democrats’ disappointment.  Biden’s campaign has been desperate for an explosive J6 or Charlottesville incident to use to slander Trump’s voters as violent extremists.  MAGA did not take the bait.

This was a wise decision.  Although millions of Americans are deeply offended by the Democrats’ lawfare tactics and justifiably worried that prosecutors’ political targeting has irreparably damaged the rule of law, they must also avoid stepping into new traps that could jeopardize their freedom.  As the Gestapo FBI and the Democrat-led Deep State become more desperate to rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor, they will seek to create situations that enrage MAGA voters.  Not only does Chris Wray’s secret police force have a financial incentive to hunt down Trump-supporters as “domestic terrorists,” but also the Biden regime is eager for swing-state independents to forget about how Democrats’ anti-Semitic shock troops recently took over college campuses.  It is difficult to paint ordinary Trump voters as “dangerous” when ordinary Biden voters are threatening Jews, toppling statues, and burning down buildings.

Never let an enemy choose the time or place for confrontation.  

A lot of Americans learned that lesson the hard way on January 6, 2021.  Hundreds of thousands of patriotic, civically minded, and law-abiding citizens showed up in D.C. to protest 2020’s mail-in ballot fraud and demand free and fair elections.  What they did not know is that Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, Mitch McConnell’s Decepticons, and the Gestapo FBI-DOJ were salivating at the opportunity to frame them as “domestic terrorists.”  

The whole breach of the U.S. Capitol — if one can even use “breach” to describe an event that included Capitol Police officers holding doors open for smiling tourists — was over in a few hours.  Still, as if reading from the same bad movie script, everybody from Congress’s Hamas Caucus to President George W. Bush immediately referred to the incident as an “insurrection.”  It was readily apparent to anyone with a brain that the Uniparty Club had engineered another Russia Collusion–type hoax intended to prevent President Trump from ever running for re-election.  By pushing the propaganda of an armed rebellion and a spurious interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, the permanent “ruling class” transformed a political protest into a premeditated opportunity to bar Trump from office and tar his supporters as violent extremists.  From a distance, the whole disgusting exercise in cognitive warfare resembled a cackle of vicious D.C. hyenas bleeding out unsuspecting MAGA prey.  

The World Does Not Want Israel to Win the War Against Hamas Led by the Biden administration, Israel is increasingly isolated in its war to defeat Hamas terrorists. By Fred Fleitz


The daring Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rescue mission on June 8 that freed four Israelis taken hostage by Hamas during its October 7, 2023 terrorist attack against Israel was a pivotal event that should have shifted global opinion about the war in Israel’s favor by illustrating the shocking malevolence of Hamas and how little it values human life.

Unfortunately, this did not happen.

The IDF freed four hostages who Hamas was holding in apartment buildings, using the residents as human shields to prevent them from being freed. In addition, so-called “innocent” Palestinian civilians were incarcerating hostages in their apartments, with Hamas reportedly paying them to do so.

Abdallah Aljamal, a Gaza-based journalist, held three Israeli hostages captive in his home. Aljamal, who was killed in the IDF raid, wrote many stories slamming Israel for human rights violations in the war and killing Palestinians. He also was a spokesman for Hamas.

Desperate to prevent the hostages from being brought back to Israel by the IDF team, Hamas fighters attacked the team as it left the apartment buildings with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. The IDF team defended itself and Israel was forced to conduct airstrikes to defend the hostage extraction.

Arnon Zmora, an officer of the IDF’s elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit, was shot and critically injured by Hamas terrorists guarding three of the four hostages.

This was a great victory for Israel and demonstrated that it will not abandon its people taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. Hamas holding hostages in crowded civilian areas and its ferocious firefight against the IDF rescuers demonstrated how little Hamas values human life and confirmed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s belief that more Palestinian civilian deaths work to his advantage.

But most of the world saw the IDF raid differently. Israel was criticized for the large number of Palestinian civilian casualties in the raid, even though many were caused by Hamas fighters firing on IDF forces in a civilian area. The mainstream media and Western politicians cited, without question, exaggerated Palestinian casualty figures from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry. U.S. and European media described the raid as a “deadly hostage rescue.” Some Western media outlets tried to downplay the fact that Hamas was engaged in hostage-taking by claiming the hostages had been “released” rather than “freed.”

A CNN commentator asked an Israeli official whether Israel had informed Palestinian civilians of the raid in advance to limit civilian casualties. The official replied that Israel did not. Israel was also criticized for the raid because it might set back a U.S.-led effort to reach a ceasefire.

The U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said the IDF raid might have been a war crime. Middle East media outlets were even worse, describing the raid as an Israeli “atrocity.”

Solzhenitsyn and the Life of Truth By Elizabeth Edwards Spalding


What The Gulag Archipelago still teaches, 50 years later

Vladimir Kara-Murza’s deteriorating health leads his family and friends to expect that he may soon suffer the fate of Alexei Navalny.

A patriot, freedom fighter, and dissident, Navalny died in February in a remote Russian prison north of the Arctic Circle. Whether directly or nearly directly killed, his life ended under the brutal conditions of his unlawful imprisonment. Navalny fiercely criticized and opposed Vladimir Putin’s illegitimate government, including its political repression, its deep corruption, and its unjust war on Ukraine.

A successful man of means, Navalny could have chosen a comfortable life. He could have benefited financially under or quietly complied with Putin’s dictatorship — or permanently left Russia. But he wanted a better future for his country: one that would be free, democratic, and happy. He became an opposition leader. For the better part of 20 years, he endured arrests, detentions, prison stays, frequent harassment, curbs on his speech and movement, and permanent damage to his eyesight from acid thrown in his face. His response while recuperating in Germany after being poisoned by the Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok: “I will not give Putin the gift of not returning to Russia.” He knew that returning to Russia would mean immediate arrest, fabricated charges, a show trial, and unjust imprisonment. Navalny left his wife and children — safely, he hoped — in the West and returned to Russia, where he was immediately arrested, underwent a show trial, and died of “natural causes” at the age of 47 in the infamous penal colony IK-3.

Kara-Murza, 42, also stands against Putin’s regime. The son of a journalist who was an outspoken critic of Leonid Brezhnev and later Putin, Kara-Murza is, among other things, a historian of Soviet-era dissidents. Like Navalny, Kara-Murza cheated death and still suffers the ill effects of poisoning at the hands of the Russian state, in his case on two occasions. Like Navalny, he left his wife and children — safely, he hopes — in the West and returned to Russia to work for civil society, freedom, and democracy. Like Navalny, he knew that a denial of due process and a lengthy prison sentence awaited him.

In spring 2022, many pleaded with Kara-Murza not to return to Russia after he spoke the truth about its invasion of Ukraine: “These are war crimes that are being committed by the dictatorial regime in the Kremlin against a nation in the middle of Europe.” For years, he had been speaking the truth about the Kremlin — from Putin’s nonconstitutional retention of the presidency and aggregation of political power to the regime’s chronic violations of human rights to the mounting number of its political prisoners. Each instance enlarged the target on Kara-Murza’s back. Yet, as he recently explained, “if you call on people to stand against the authoritarian regime, you cannot do it from a safe distance — you have to share the risks with your compatriots.” The current place of residence for this Russian-British citizen with three American-born children is Russia’s Penal Colony No. 7, where he is serving a 25-year sentence for the fabricated crime of treason.

Truly Evil: Hamas Leader Says the Quiet Part Out Loud Guy Benson


It’s not really the ‘quiet’ part, honestly; with Hamas, advertising your evil is the out-loud part.  Still, it’s very important to highlight this Wall Street Journal scoop, which reports out the appalling and inhumane internal calculus of Hamas’ top military leader — Yahya Sinwar — who planned the October 7th massacre.  Sinwar is a fanatical supporter of Israeli civilian casualties, of course, and would kill every last Jew in the region if he could.  That should go without saying.  But he also explicitly advocates Palestinian civilian casualties as a strategy, referring to the innocent Gazans he deliberately places in harm’s way as worthy “sacrifices” for the cause of turning world opinion against Israel, and thus ensuring the survival of his terrorist organization.  Those aren’t the words of his critics.  They’re his own words.  The Journal’s headline is, “Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas.”  Civilian bloodshed.  Will help Hamas.  Yes, it’s as disgusting as it sounds:

For months, Yahya Sinwar has resisted pressure to cut a ceasefire-and-hostages deal with Israel. Behind his decision, messages the Hamas military leader in Gaza has sent to mediators show, is a calculation that more fighting—and more Palestinian civilian deaths—work to his advantage. “We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Sinwar said in a recent message to Hamas officials seeking to broker an agreement with Qatari and Egyptian officials. In dozens of messages—reviewed by The Wall Street Journal—that Sinwar has transmitted to cease-fire negotiators, Hamas compatriots outside Gaza and others, he’s shown a cold disregard for human life and made clear he believes Israel has more to lose from the war than Hamas. The messages were shared by multiple people with differing views of Sinwar…In one message to Hamas leaders in Doha, Sinwar cited civilian losses in national-liberation conflicts in places such as Algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from France, saying, “these are necessary sacrifices.” 

Israel takes great, historically-unprecedented pains to avoid the collateral damage of civilian casualties in Gaza. Hamas’ leader, by contrast, is committed to a strategy of increasing them. Proudly. Hamas lies constantly about the numbers and demographics of alleged “civilain” deaths inflicted by Israelis in this war that Hamas started with a vast slaughter of Jews late last year. But it’s undeniable that a signfiicant number of civilians, including children, have been killed. For Sinwar, that’s by design. When kids die in this war, Sinwar sees them as “necessary sacrifices.” And every single person who goes along with his diabolically heinous plan by blaming Israel for the deaths that Hamas ensures, in a war Hamas started, is rewarding the terrorists.  Imagine knowing this is how Hamas plans to maintain its grip on power, and actively helping them in that pursuit.  It’s unconscionable. Ultimately, Sinwar’s goal “appears to be to win a permanent cease-fire that allows Hamas to declare a historic victory by outlasting Israel and claim leadership of the Palestinian national cause,” according to the story.